African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

ISSN 2756-3340

Table of Contents in 2020

Short Communication

General Measures of Telemedicine in the Outpatient Department, a Response to the Global Crisis

KhandakerSabit Bin Razzak, Mohammad Nabil Hossain, Anika Bushra, A.S.M. Sarwar, Sabrina Rahman, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Md. Evangel Islam Anik

Page: 1 - 2

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Ca2+ and reactive oxygen species are involved in the defense responses of rice callus culture to rice blast disease

Gaivaronskaya L.M., Kuta D.D.*

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research


Actinorhizal nitrogen fixing nodules: infection process, molecular biology and genomics

Florence AUGUY, Laurent LAPLAZE, Carole SANTI, Mame Oureye SY, Mariana OBERTELLO, Sergio SVISTOONOFF, Didier BOGUSZ and Claudine FRANCHE*

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Comparison of ivermectin and thiabendazole in the treatment of uncomplicated human Strongyloides stercoralis infection

AA Adenusi*, AO Oke and AO Adenusi

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Antimicrobial, heavy metal resistance and plasmid profile of coliforms isolated from nosocomial infections in a hospital in Isfahan, Iran

Giti Emtiazi, Naser Badami, Vajiheh Karbasizaed*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Four gene introduction methods affect the shoot regeneration and localization of transgene expression in greenhouse stem explants

J. A. Teixeira da Silva, S. Fukai

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Intestinal helminthiasis and urinary schistosomiasis in some villages of Ijebu North, Ogun State, Nigeria

D. O. Akinboye and A. Awolaja, O. M. Agbolade*

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

The use of a novel phage-based technology as a practical tool for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in Africa

Tracy Seaman, Richard Mole and Heidi Albert*, Andre Trollip

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Persistence of Rhizobium inoculants originating from Leucaena leucocephala fallowed plots in Southwest Nigeria

O.E. Fagade, O.A. Ojo*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Swarming modulatory effects of some amino acids on Proteus strains from Lagos, Nigeria

Babatunde O. Akinwumi, Bamidele A. Iwalokun*

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Antimicrobial resistance pattern of clinical isolate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the University of Malaya Medical Center, Malaysia

Mohd Yasim Bin Md Yusof and Shamala Devi Sekaran, Abdelkodose M. Al-Kabsi*

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

The chloride ion been responsible for filament formation and inhibitory effect on cell division in Zymomonas mobilis 232B growth

Guohua Zhang, Yanling Jin*, Yuhong Huang, Xinhui Wang, Xiaofeng Gao and Hai Zhao, Yang Fang

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Effect of calcium chloride on anthracnose disease and postharvest quality of red-flesh dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus)

Muhd Azlan Abdul Ghani, Kamaruzaman Sijam and Rosli B. Mohamad, Yahya Awang*

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Study of the effect of bacterial and chemical volatiles on the growth of the fungus Aureobasidium pullulans

Milton Wainwright and Basam O. AlJohny, Salah Hajomer, Naif Abdullah Al-Harbi, Sulamain Ali Alharbi*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) Cw allele association among psoriasis patients from Western India

A. Shankarkumar and K. Ghosh, U. Shankarkumar*

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Erectile dysfunction as a marker of impaired fasting blood glucose (IFG)

Olafimihan K. O, Odeigah L. O and Akande A. A*, Ayinmode B. A

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

HBsAg, anti-HCV, anti-HIV and VDRL in blood donors: Prevalence and trends in the last three and a half years in a tertiary health care facility in Ile-Ife, Nigeria

R. A. Bolarinwa, L. Salawu*, A. B. Adegunloye and H. A. Muraina

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Case Report

Methotrexate-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis: A case report

A. Madani, M. Harif, S. Zafad, A. Quessar and S. Benchekroun, I. Tazi*

Page: 1 - 3

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Short Communication

Relationship between homocystein blood level and multiple sclerosis

Seyed Ali Masoud*, Esmail Fakharian Neurosurjery

Page: 1 - 3

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Evaluation of serum leptin levels in obese local Libyan female subjects at Benghazi- Is cluster analysis a better evaluator method for such a study

Elshaari F. A., Alshaari A. A, Ahmed F. A. and Elshaari M. A*

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research


The theoretical strategy for overweight and obesity intervention programs in adult population

Ying Hua Gao-Balch*, Lisa D. Privett and Masayoshi Yamaguchi

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Effect of sex on prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with respect to blood pressure, BMI and WHR among Punjabi population

Tanveen Kaur, Divya Bishnoi and Badaruddoza*

Page: 1 - 8

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Serum testosterone and lipids in relation to sexual dysfunction in males with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus

Umoh U, Charles-Davies M. A.* and Adeleye J.

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Anti-diabetic and some haematological effects of ethylacetate and n-butanol fractions of Ganoderma lucidum aqueous extract in alloxan - induced diabetic wistar rats

A. B. Adelaiye1, A. G. Bakari and M. A. Mabrouk, A. Mohammed*

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research


Brief review of sarcoidosis of the thyroid gland

Talal Hussain Muzaffar*, Jaber Mohammed Al-Ansari and Hassan Al-Humrani

Page: 1 - 2

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Short Communication

Insulin resistance and blood pressure in Nigerian type 2 diabetic patients

G. C. Onyemelukwe, A. G. Bakari*

Page: 1 - 53

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Determination of insulin resistance in non-diabetic Saudi adults by including fasting free fatty acids into QUICKI

Daad H. Akbar and Tawfik M. Ghabrah, Suhad M. Bahijri, Eman M. Alissa*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Case Report

South Asian version of flatbush diabetes mellitus- A case report and review article

Khurshid Ahmad Khan*, Javed Akram

Page: 1 - 6

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Circulating antigens of Schistosoma parasites in urine of schistosomiasis patients in Central Sudan

Ashraf S. Yousif*, Magdi A. Ahmed, Ehab A. Frah, Ahmed Babiker and Atif A. Elagib, Eshtiyag A. Abdelkareem, Lemeis A. Elgimeaabi, Salma M. Elhag

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research