African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

ISSN 2756-3340

Table of Contents in 2024

Research Article

Epidemiology and resistance patterns of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in a major city in Burkina Faso

Mohamed Baguy Ouattara, Dissinviel Stephane Kpoda*, Abraham Ajayi, Koine Maxime Drabo, Fernique Konan, Jacques Simpore, Nathalie Guessennd, Juste Isidore Bonkoungou, Lassana Sangare, Rasmata Ouedraogo

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research

Research Article

Harnessing potential antagonistic bacteria for managing Magnaporthe grisea in rice crops

Hongwei Li, David P. Tokpah*, Zogbo Luther, Melissa S. Smith and Victor M. Voor, Charles F. King, John T. Newmah, Zipporah Page

Page: 1 - 12

African Journal of Infectious Diseases Research