International Journal of Nematology and Entomology

ISSN 2756-3839

Table of Contents in 2016

Research Article

Variation of resistance to endosulfan in tea mosquito bug, Helopeltis theivora waterhouse (heteroptera: miridae) in the tea plantation of the Sub-Himalayan Dooars, northern west Bengal, India

Somnath Roy*, G. Gurusubramanian and Ananda Mukhopadhyay

Page: 167 - 173

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology

Research Article

Diversity of aphids in the central rift valley of Ethiopia and their potential as vectors for Ethiopian Pepper Mottle Virus (EPMV)

Simon Atsebeha, Tameru Alemu* and Ferdu Azerefgne

Page: 161 - 166

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology

Research Article

Effect of variety and transplanting date on the incidence of insect pests and their natural enemies

Cheng I. R and Huang Lui C, Tsai Freya Lui, P. K. Hsu*

Page: 140 - 148

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology