International Journal of Nematology and Entomology

ISSN 2756-3839

Table of Contents in 2023

Research Article

Prevalence of lungworm infection in small ruminants in North Gondar zone, Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia

Getasew Fekadie and Nigatu Kebede*, Yitagele Terefe, Ketema Tafess

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology

Research Article

Varietal diversity and genetic erosion of cultivated yams (Dioscorea cayenensis Poir - D. rotundata Lam complex and D. alata L.) in Togo

Kombaté K, Sunu Y. D, Dossou-Aminon I, Dansi A*, Dantsey-Barry H, Agré A. P, Assogba P and Vodouhè R, Dansi M, N'Kpenu E. K, Loko Y. L

Page: 1 - 17

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology


RNA interference: A novel tool for plant disease management

Brij Bihari Sharma and Chandresh Chandel, Prem L Kashyap, VK Sharma*, Gulzar S Sanghera

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Nematology and Entomology