International Journal of Phytotherapy and Ethnobotany

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

A study of the antibacterial activities of selected Australian medicinal plants

V. N. Ramachandran, P. Brooks* and W. F. Smyth, T. Smyth

Page: 4 - 7

International Journal of Phytotherapy and Ethnobotany

Research Article

The antimicrobial activity of Croton membranaceus, a species used in formulations for measles in Ghana

Stephen Y. Gbedema and Kofi Annan, Marcel T. Bayor*

Page: 21 - 24

International Journal of Phytotherapy and Ethnobotany

Short Communication

Pharmacognostic profiles of bark of Careya arborea Roxb.

S. Magdum Ch, rakant , A. Wadkar Kiran

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Phytotherapy and Ethnobotany

Research Article

Ethanolic extracts of seeds of Parinari curatellifolia exhibit potent antioxidant properties: A possible mechanism of its antidiabetic action

T. M. Ajagbawa, J. B. T. Rocha and I. J. Kade*, A. P. Igbakin, Y. Ogunbolude, M. A. Ajayi

Page: 13 - 20

International Journal of Phytotherapy and Ethnobotany