Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2756-326X

Table of Contents in 2018

Research Article

On-farm evaluation of promising groundnut varieties for adaptation and adoption in Tanzania

Erasto.M. Shenkalwa, Tulole Lugendo Bucheyeki, Theofora X. Mapunda and Leah W. Matata

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Short Communication

Preliminary investigation of growth performance of giant land snail (Archachatina marginata) fed with selected household wastes

Siyanbola Mojisola Funmilayo

Page: 1 - 3

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Potential application of Hyptis spicigera for biological control of Striga hermonthica infestation

L. A. Onek, J. O, Othira , * A. L. Deng, J. Kemey and E. O. Omolo

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Growth performance of bamboo in tobacco-growing regions in South Nyanza, Kenya

A. J. Odondo, G. M. Momanyi and F. Jinhe, J. K. Kibwage*, B. O. Oindo, G. W. Netondo

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation and release of new sweet potato varieties through farmer participatory selection

Laurie , S.M.* and Magoro, M.D.

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Combining multi-agent simulations and cost-benefit analysis to evaluate policy options for the management of livestock effluents in Réunion Island

* Louise Erasmus, Christophe Le Page and Pierre Bommel, Stefano Farolfi

Page: 1 - 17

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Eggshell crack detection by acoustic impulse response and support vector machine

Xiaoyan Deng, Youxian Wen and Shucai Wang, Hong Gao, Lanlan Wu, Qiaohua Wang*

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Land ownership security in Malawi

Greenwell Matchaya

Page: 1 - 13

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Assessing the sweetpotato virus disease and its associated vectors in northwestern Tanzania and central Uganda

Robert Mwanga, Bulili Sayi, Peter Sseruwagi, Regina Kapinga, Silver Tumwegamire and Celestine Rugutu, Joseph Ndunguru*

Page: 1 - 10

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Assessment of livelihood assets and strategies among tobacco and non tobacco growing households in south Nyanza region, Kenya

J. K. Kibwage*, A. J. Odondo and G. M. Momanyi

Page: 1 - 11

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Energy usage and benefit-cost analysis of cotton production in Turkey

Handan Akcaoz, Erdal Dagistan*, Bekir Demirtas and Yalcin Yilmaz

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Flavonoids from mulberry leaves by microwave-assisted extract and anti-fatigue activity

Tao Li and Keji Tang, Wei Li*

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Seromonitoring of especially dangerous diseases in small ruminants in the Republic of Tajikistan

Matveyeva V. M., Nurabayev S. Sh., Mamadaliyev S. M., Azhibayev A. Zh. and Orynbayev M. B., Koshemetov Zh. K.

Page: 1 - 4

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Mainstreaming participatory and cross-disciplinary approaches in animal science research in developing countries

Carl Erik Schou Larsen, Niels Halberg, Quentin Gausset and Jolly Kabirizi, Carsten Nico Hjortsø, Jens Aagaard-Hansen*

Page: 1 - 12

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Development of the scheme to prepare specimens for sheep pox virus indication in objects of environment

Matveyeva V.M., Mamadaliyev S.M*, Koshemetov Z. K., Russanova A.M. and Troitskiy Y. N.

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Nitrogen budgets in crop sequences with or without phosphorus-fertilised cowpea in the maize-based cropping systems of semi-arid eastern Africa

J. M. Vesterager, N. E. Nielsen and H. Høgh-Jensen*

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of differential irrigation on physical and histochemical properties of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) grown in the field in Eastern Nigeria

Nkaa , N.B. , F. A.*, Ogbonnaya , C. I. and Onyike

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

An appraisal of the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on soil fertility: the Owaza experience

Iruka Nwoye, Leo C. Osuji*

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Epidemiological studies of white rust, downy mildew and Alternaria blight of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea (Linn.) Czern. and Coss.)

Sangeetha , C.G. and A. L. Siddaramaiah

Page: 1 - 4

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A weighted relative density model applied to loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands

John M. Lhotka, Edward F. Loewenstein

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Esterase isoenzymes are linked to embryogenic structures induction in cotton cell suspension cultures

Kone Daouda, Kouakou Tanoh Hilaire, Zouzou Michel and Kouadio Yatty Justin

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences