Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2756-326X

Table of Contents in 2020

Research Article

Evaluation of some medicinal and ornamental plant extracts toward pomegranate aphid, Aphis punicae (Passerini) under laboratory conditions

Sawsan S. Moawad*, Amal M. F. Al-Barty

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Characteristics of organic acids in the fruit of different pear species

Shoufeng Sha, Jun Wu and Shaoling Zhang*, Juncai Li

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Postharvest application of heats treatment and thiabendazole, sodium bicarbonate fungicides on decay control and characteristics quality and quantity in the Valencia orange

Mehrdad Jafarpour and Hasan Borji, Sajad Fatemi*

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Calibration of time domain reflectometry (TDR) on the basis of torf sand and its optimisation for irrigation automations

Hasan Sahin and Cevdet Saglam, Ibrahim Tobi, Ferhat Kup*, Ramazan Saglam

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Influence of growth stage and variety on the pigment levels in Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato) leaves

Amru Nasrulhaq Boyce and Chandran Somasundram, Seow-Mun Hue*

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

The effect of pellet fertilizer application on corn yield and its components

Zinol Abadin-Tahmasbi Sarvastani and Mehdi-Younessi Hamzekhanlu, Mohammad Hossein-Kianmehr, Reza-Bagheri , Gholam Ali-Akbari*

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Investigation of the effect of water deficit stress on yield and yield components in sunflower hybrids

Hussein Oraki*, Iraj Alahdadi and Fataneh Parhizkar khajani

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Persistent soil seed banks along altitudinal gradients in the Qilian Mountains in China and their significance for conservation management

Haiyan Fang*and Qiangguo Cai, Qiuyan Li

Page: 1 - 12

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Factors defining the distribution limit of tsetse infestation and the implication for livestock sector in Tanzania

Imna Malele*, Hamisi Nyingilili and Atway Msangi

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Biphenyl sorption to different soil clay minerals

lich* , Štefan Baláž, Roman T

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Study of weed seedbank in soybean crop

Maja Meseldžija, Milena Korać and Bojan Konstantinović, Branko Konstantinović*

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

The interaction effect of water stress and manure on yield components, essential oil and chemical compositions of cumin (CUMINUM CYMINUM)

Ahmad Ahmadian*, Abolfazl Tavassoli and Ebrahim Amiri

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Biplot analysis of grain yield in barley grown under differing management levels in years of contrasting season-end drought

Berhane Lakew and Abraham Feyissa, Woldeyesus Sinebo*

Page: 1 - 13

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Grain yield and yield components of maize (ZEA MAYS L.) as affected by crude oil in soil

O. M. Agbogidi

Page: 1 - 4

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Using sulfur oxidizing bacteria and P solubilizing for enhancing phosphorous availability to Raphanus sativus

Rasool Khatibi

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Comparison of antioxidant enzyme activities in leaves stems and roots of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) exposed to Chromium (VI)

Heidar Ali Malmir

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Influence of rooting media and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentration on rooting and shoot formation of Warburgia ugandensis stem cuttings

John Bosco Lamoris Okullo, Paul Ssegawa, Florence Akwatulira, Susan Balaba Tumwebaze, Samson Gwali*, John Richard Mbwambo and Alice Muchugi

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Studies on antimicrobial activities of some selected ferns and lycophytes in Eastern India with special emphasis on ethno-medicinal uses

al , Amal Kumar Mondal*, Asim M

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Molecular detection of a virus infecting carrot and its effect on some cytological and physiological parameters

A. Akil Khan and Q. A. Naqvi, Bushra Afreen*, Mehar Fatma, Mohd Gulfishan, Geetesh Baghel

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Actinorhizal plants of Kumaun Himalaya and their ecological significance

Kiran Bargali

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences


Biological remediation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in the soil and sediments by microorganisms and plants

H. I. Atagana2, R. O. Anyasi1*

Page: 1 - 17

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Evaluation of the relative weed competitiveness of upland rice varieties in Sierra Leone

A. B. Jalloh, S. S. Harding*

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences


An overview of Citrus aurantium used in treatment of various diseases

Jyotsna A. Saonere Suryawanshi

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

A spatial analysis study: An example of the Virgin Mary House and its close environment

Emine Malkoç, Çiğdem Kiliçaslan*

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Effect of garlic (allium sativum l.) in fattening chicks nutrition

Niko Miloševic, Vidica Stanacev*, Nikola Puvaca, Dragan Glamocic, Vladislav Stanacev and Nada Plavša

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Detection of Staphylococcus species and staphylococcal enterotoxins by ELISA in ice cream and cheese consumed in Burdur Province

Fulya Tasci*, Fatma Sahindokuyucu and Dilek Ozturk

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Land use planning regarding sustainable development through agritourism: Şarköy example

TuÄŸba Kiper

Page: 1 - 11

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Rainfall characteristics, runoff rate and traffic flow on gully morphometric parameter growth and soil loss in sand-mined peri-urban, Uyo, Nigeria

E. G. Okon, O. E. Essien*

Page: 1 - 8

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Urbanization of arable land in Lahore City in Pakistan: A case-study

Khaliq-Uz-Zaman* , Arif Anwar Baloch

Page: 1 - 10

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Labour use efficiency in food crop production by farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria

A. M. Shittu, S. A. Adewuyi*, H. K. Sowemimo and O. E. Fapojuwo

Page: 1 - 6

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Integrated effects of humic acid and bio fertilizer on yield and phosphorus use efficiency in mungbean under rainfed condition

S. I. Hyder*, M. Sarwar, M. Ehsan Akhtar, Tauseef Tabassam and Shahid Riaz Malik

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Gross margin analysis and constraints to yam production in Osun State, Nigeria

Omojola , Joseph Toba

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

The relationship between sex and age of buffalo’s infestation with ectoparasites in Sohag Governorate, Egypt

Abd El-Aleem Saad Soliman Desoky

Page: 1 - 3

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Influence of anthropogenic factors on the diversity and richness of woody species in Sariska Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India

Zaara Kidwai

Page: 1 - 7

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Efficacy of azoxystrobin 25 SC along with bioagents on chilli powdery mildew diseases under field condition

P. Ahila Devi*, V. Prakasam

Page: 1 - 5

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences

Research Article

Comparative productivity and profitability of organic and conventional tef [Eragrostis tef (Zucc.)Trotter] production under rainfed condition: Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

Medhn Berhane*, Ibrahim Fitiwy and Zenebe Abreha, Fassil Kebede

Page: 1 - 9

Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences


Ethno-veterinary health management practices amongst livestock producers in Africa – A review

Adamu , Tizhe , D. W., J. S and Okoli, I. C, Ugwu , S. M, M. N, T. K., H. I.*, Shua , C. C., Neils , N. J., Nafarnda , Kubkomawa , Daniel , Opara , M. A

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Advances in Agriculture and Agricultural Sciences