International Journal of Management and Business Studies

ISSN 2167-0439

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

Expenditure efficiency of social services in developing countries

Nahed Trabelsi-Ltifi, Younes Boujelben

Page: 118 - 128

International Journal of Management and Business Studies


From service to academics: Analysis of a change process in the Department of Anaesthesiology University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Nigeria

Bisola Onajin-Obembe

Page: 110 - 117

International Journal of Management and Business Studies


Overview of electric power development gaps in Cross River State, Nigeria

Uwem Essia and Peter Ubi, Ndem Ayara

Page: 101 - 109

International Journal of Management and Business Studies

Research Article

Could monitoring and surveillance be useful to establish social compliance in the ready-made garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh?

Ahamed F

Page: 88 - 100

International Journal of Management and Business Studies

Research Article

An empirical analysis of auditor independence and audit fees on audit quality

Suseno NS

Page: 82 - 87

International Journal of Management and Business Studies

Research Article

A maturity approach for business climate: Comparative global perspective

Jimenez LA, Willis C

Page: 66 - 71

International Journal of Management and Business Studies

Research Article

Impact of reverse repo rate and cash reserve ratio in National Stock Exchange (NSE) CNX bank index

Vanitha S, Nageswari P and Srinivasan P

Page: 72 - 81

International Journal of Management and Business Studies