International Journal of Management and Business Studies

ISSN 2167-0439

Table of Contents in 2014

Research Article

Public sector unit: The tacit dimensions

Sribas Goswami

Page: 152 - 156

International Journal of Management and Business Studies

Research Article

Newspaper copy sales and the performance of the print media in Uganda

Charles Omagor and Agaba Gershom, Sulait Tumwine*

Page: 138 - 150

International Journal of Management and Business Studies

Research Article

Women empowerment through micro enterprises – Role of microfinance (A study with special reference to select Mandals in W.G. District, A.P.)

G.V.Chalam and Ratnajirao Chowdary, R.Sreenivasa Rao

Page: 129 - 137

International Journal of Management and Business Studies