International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

Ultrastructure of the pollen grains in the family Bignoniaceae Juss. in Nigeria

G.E.Ugbabe* , S.J. Kalpana and J.I. Okogun, A.E. Ayodele

Page: 254 - 260

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Macropropagation of an endangered medicinal plant, Strychnos henningsii (gilg), (loganiaceae) for sustainable conservation

Onguso Justus and Kahia Jane, Njenga Peter Kariuki, Ngenoh Robert Kipkemoi, Ngumi Victoria Wambui

Page: 247 - 253

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Proximate and mineral compositions of the leaves and stem bark of Cassia nigricans Vahl

Rachael Gbekele-Oluwa Ayo

Page: 242 - 246

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Ethnoveterinary practices against animal trypanosomosis in Amaro district, Southern Ethiopia

Abiy Shilema, Kaleab Zerom and Abiy Mussa

Page: 238 - 241

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Methanol extract of Oroxylum indicum leaves induces G1/S cell cycle arrest in HeLa cells via p53-mediated pathway

Abdullah H and Jamil NIN, Zazali KE

Page: 225 - 237

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Evaluation of the antiplasmodial activity of extracts of plants used in traditional medicine in Kenya

Séverine Maurel-Chevalley, Sylvain Beourou, Nicolas Fabre and Alexis Valentin, Anne-Cécile Le Lamer, Patrick B. Chalo Mutiso, Florence Souard, Claude Moulis

Page: 219 - 224

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Ethno-medicinal field study of anti-fertility medicinal plants used by the local people in Keffi Local Government, Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Mustapha AA

Page: 215 - 218

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antibacterial activities and phytochemical screening of the acetone extract from Euphorbia hirta

Noor HM, Radzi SM and Wahab NAA, Kader J

Page: 209 - 214

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Anatomical, phytochemical and pharmacological studies of roots of Cnicus benedictus L.

Djamila C, Chahinez B and Nacer-bey N, Akym A, Faiza M

Page: 204 - 208

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antioxidant activities and inhibitory action of Solanum macrocarpon and Hibiscus esculentus phenolic containing leaf extracts against lipid oxidation

Akindahunsi AA, Ibukun EO and Duodu KG, Salawu SO

Page: 190 - 197

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Effect of growth regulators on the in vitro multiplication of Viola odorata

Kaloo ZA, Zafrul-Haq and Wafai BA, Akhtar R

Page: 187 - 189

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phytochemical and preliminary toxicological studies of the aqueous leave extract of Leucas martinicensis in wistar rats

Ameh GI, Bello SO, Etuk EU, Ugwah OM, Eze UA, Ugwah-Oguejiofor CJ

Page: 166 - 169

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties of four plant species used in traditional medicine in Lesotho

Lieta MI and Asita AO, Magama S

Page: 170 - 178

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Propagation of Medicinal Plant Ferula assa foetida L. Through Indirect Somatic Embryogenesis

Otroshy M, Edrisi S and Enteshary S

Page: 179 - 186

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Seed potentiation of a horse-gram cultivar by herbal manipulation

an KP, Aloke B, Ch

Page: 152 - 155

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Efficacy of resinous extract from Commiphora swynnertonii (Burrt) against Newcastle infection in chickens

Phiri ECJ and Mtambo MMA, Bakari GG, Mdegela HR, Max RA

Page: 156 - 161

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Manipulation of ruminal protozoa of crossbred calves by herbal rumenotoric drugs

Singh DP, Gautam RD, Niwas R and Albial AM

Page: 162 - 165

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

High-performance liquid chromatography with photodiode array (HPLC-PAD) quality control of menoprogen, a traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) formula used for the management of menopause

Lu Y, Wang GL, Wei M, Mahady GB and Liu D, Wang J

Page: 146 - 151

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Contributions of folk medicine knowledge in South-western Morocco: The case of rural communities of Imouzzer Ida Outanane Region

Msanda F and Boubaker H, Saadi B

Page: 135 - 145

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Anti diabetics effect of Achillea santolina aqueous leaves extract

Najim Abbas Jabir Al-Awwadi

Page: 129 - 134

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Genetic diversity analysis among and within populations of Vatica mangachapoi from China with RAPD and AFLP makers

Li L, Tong D, Yan T and Liu Q, Zhang Y

Page: 93 - 98

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Total phenolic (flavonoids) contents and antioxidant capacity of different Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. extracts

Verma RN and Batra A, Rani U

Page: 124 - 128

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in the Tata Province, Morocco

Mousadik AE, Boubaker H, Abouri M, Saadi B and Cherifi K, Msanda F

Page: 99 - 123

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research