International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

Table of Contents in 2020

Research Article

Antimicrobial effect analysis of Verbena officinalis, Malva sylvestris and Ageratum conyzoides on Gardnerella vaginalis and Candida spp. isolated from vaginal secretionin Palmas, TO, Brazil

Juliana Fonseca Moreira da Silva and Raphael Sanzio Pimenta, Valdir Francisco Odorizzi, Eliane Patrícia Lino Pereira Franchi, Adriana Idalina Torcato de Oliveira, Mariana Caroline Tocantins Alvim*

Page: 1 - 11

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Cnidium officinale Makino

Young Seon Kim, Chung Yeol Lee, Sook Young Lee and Sang Un Park*, Yong Kyoung Kim, Seung Yeon Suh

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Studies on phytochemical constituents of six Malaysian medicinal plants

Krishnaiah D.*, Devi T., Bono A. and Sarbatly R.

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antinociceptive activity of methanol extract and aqueous fraction of the stem bark of Pentaclethra macrophylla Benth (Mimosaceae)

Ching F. P and Ifijeh F., Okunrobo L. O*

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Advances in selected medicinal and aromatic plants indigenous to Africa

R. N. Okigbo*, C. L. Anuagasi and J. E. Amadi

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phytochemical and antibacterial investigation of bark extracts of Acacia nilotica

Banso A.

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Effects of aqueous extract of Eucalyptus globulus on lipid peroxidation and selected enzymes of rat liver

R.O. Arise*, S.O. Malomo, J.O. Adebayo and A. Igunnu

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Effect of Mucuna pruriens on some haematological and biochemical parameters

O. O. Odubena, G. K. A. Adepoju*

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

In vitro antileishmanial activity of extracts of Warburgia ugandensis (Canellaceae), a Kenyan medicinal plant

Peter Kamau Ngure*, Geoffrey Rukunga and Albert Kimutai, Zipporah Ng’ang’a, Elizabeth Kigondu, Johnstone Ingonga, Charles Mutai, Willy Kiprotich Tonui

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of ethanolic extract of Borassus flabellifer L. male flowers (inflorescences) in experimental animals

Mahesh S. Paschapur*, M. B. Patil, Ravi Kumar and Sachin R. Patil

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Preliminary phytochemical and antimicrobial investigations of the stem bark and leaves of Psidum guajava L.

S. C. Okereke and B. O. Ekpo, I. Elekwa*

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Genes involved in the anti-cancer effect of a potent new compound boehmeriasin A on breast cancer cell

Dixiang Luo, Jufang Yan*, Jianyu Liu, Jian Zhang and Xiaoping Gao, Haiyan Wei

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Improved invitro plant regeneration and micro propagation of Rehmannia glutinosa L.

Yong Kyoung Kim and Sook Young Lee*, Sang Un Park

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phenolics from Spirulina maxima: Over-production and in vitro protective effect of its phenolics on CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity

Farouk K. El Baz and Gamal S. El-Baroty, Hanaa H. Abd El-Baky*

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antimicrobial activity of some plant extracts having hepatoprotective effects

Farah Deeba and Shahid Mahmud, Ammara Hassan, Salma Rahman

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Optimization of DNA isolation for RAPD-PCR analysis of selected (Echinaceae purpurea L. Moench) medicinal plants of conservation concern from Turkey

Aslı Da eri, Hasibe Cingilli Vural*

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Correlation between chemical composition and antifungal properties of essential oils of Callistemon rigidus and Callistemon citrinus of Cameroon against Phaeoramularia angolensis

Paul H Amvam Zollo and Chantal Menut, Jean Kuate, Bernadin D Ndongson, Pierre MD Jazet, Léopold N Tatsadjieu*

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Anti-inflammatory activity of brown alga Dictyota dichotoma in murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells

Weon-Jong Yoon, Young Min Ham, Nam Ho Lee, Kil-Nam Kim, Soo-Yeung Park, Chang-Gu Hyun* and Wook Jae Lee

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Herbalism and resources for the development of ethnopharmacology in Mount Cameroon region

E. N. Ndenecho

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research


An overview of antimicrobial resistance and the future of medicinal plants in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infections

C. Njume, A. J. Afolayan and R. N. Ndip*

Page: 1 - 15

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Ethnobotanical uses of some plants of two ethnoecological regions of Cameroon

B. A. Nkongmeneck, C. Fokunang, V. Kemeuze, N. Guedje, P. M. Mapongmetsem and N. Tsabang, T. Jiofack*, E. Fongnzossie

Page: 1 - 21

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Ethnobotany and phytomedicine of the upper Nyong valley forest in Cameroon

C. Fokunang, N. Guedje and V. Kemeuze, T. Jiofack*, l. Ayissi

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Comparative pharmacognostical and antimicrobial studies of acacia species (Mimosaceae)

Ritu Saini, Shikha Roy and Ashwani Kumar, Mohan Lal Saini

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Vegetative propagation of Berberis aristata DC. An endangered Himalayan shrub

Majid Ali, A. R. Malik* and K. Rai Sharma

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Bioactivity of crude extracts of Euphorbia kamerunica Pax using brine shrimp (Artemia salina) lethality assay

O. O., Ogunnusi , T.A.* and Dosumu

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

In vitro propagation of Crotalaria verrucosa L. an important ethnobotanical plant

Town Mohammad Hussain*, Thummala Chandrasekhar and Ghanta Rama Gopal

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Ethnobotany and phytopharmacopoea of the South-West ethnoecological region of Cameroon

V. Kemeuze, E. Fongnzossie, T. Jiofack*, C. Fokunang, N. Tsabang, P. M. Mapongmetsem and B. A. Nkongmeneck, R. Nkuinkeu

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phytochemical and biological investigation of chloroform and ethylacetate fractions of Euphorbia heterophylla leaf (Euphorbiaceae)

Sajjad Ali, Irfan Mohammed Quadir and Iqbal M. I Choudhary, Abiodun Falodun*

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of propolis from Tamil Nadu zone

Nilesh kumar*, Mueen Ahmad K. K., Raman Dang and Ahmed Husain

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phytochemical Screening and antibacterial activity of extracts from Pakia Clapperotoniana keay against human pathogenic bacteria

A. M. Punah and Hassan, D. Kubmarawa*, M. E. Khan

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Responses of Bacopa monnieri to salinity and drought stress in vitro

Mousumi Debnath

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Hepatoprotective activity of leaves of Rhododendron arboreum in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats

V. Surendra, Divakar Goli, T. Prakash* , Uday Raj Sharma, Snehal Dayalal Fadadu, Perfect Stamina and D. Kotresha

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Effects of three plant extracts (Ocimum gratissimum, Acalypha wilkesiana and Acalypha macrostachya) on post harvest pathogen of Persea americana

Erute Magdalene Ogbo*, A. E. Oyibo

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phytochemical and microbial screening of herbal remedies in Akwa Ibom State, South Southern Nigeria

A. A.*, B. C. and Adegoke, Adebayo-Tayo

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Hepatoprotective effect of the aqueous extract of leaves of Acalypha racemosa in carbon tetrachloride treated rats

O. M.*, Malomo , Iniaghe , J. O., S. O. and Adebayo

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Characterization of nutraceutical compounds in blue green alga Spirulina maxima

Hanaa H. Abd El-Baky, Farouk K. El Baz and Gamal S. El-Baroty

Page: 1 - 9

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Free radical quenching activity and polyphenols in three species of Coleus

Girish K Rasineni, Dayananda Siddavattam and Attipalli R Reddy*

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Toxicological and phytochemical screening study of Mitragyna Inermis (willd.) O ktze (Rubiaceae), anti diabetic plant

A. L, K. E and Kone, N. G, N’Guessan , Konkon , Simaga , Adjoungoua , D , P , Manda , B D

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research


Mulberry: Life enhancer

Venkatesh Kumar R., Seema Chauhan*

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Short Communication

Preliminary phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Samanea saman

N. Parathasarathy and Johanna Rajkumar, Vijayashree Nayak, V. C. Swetha, B. R. Archana, S.Viswanathan , J. Renuka Devi, R. Naveen Prasad*

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antioxidant property of selected Ocimum species and their secondary metabolite content

Girija Arivazhagan*, R. Boopathy, F. Lukmanul Hakkim

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Gastroprotective and antioxidant activities of Phyllanthus amarus extracts on absolute ethanol-induced ulcer in albino rats

A. A. Odetola, O. S. Shokunbi*

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Short Communication

Increase in flavonoids content in red onion peel by mechanical shredding

Sameh F. AbouZid, Gamal M. Elsherbeiny

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Anti-diabetic activity of Syzygium cumini and its isolated compound against streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats

N. Padmanabhan and M. R. V.Krishan, M. Deecaraman, A. Kumar*, P. Aravindan, T. Jayachandran, R. Ilavarasan

Page: 1 - 4

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Rosmarinic acid biosynthesis in callus and cell cultures of Agastache rugosa Kuntze

Xuanji Jin, Hui Xu, Sang Un Park*, Yong Kyoung Kim, Sook Young Lee

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Isolation and characterization of 2, 3, 8-tri-me ether ellagic acid from the stem bark of Irvingia gabonensis (Baill)

Amupitan , J. O. and Yimin Zhao, I. Ndukwe*, George

Page: 1 - 3

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic activities from flavonoid fractions of Chromolaena odorata

Bolatito Alice Ogunbiyi, Kemi Dare, Elizabeth Adeola Aruboula and Ayodele Olufemi Soladoye, Bamidele Victor Owoyele*, Stephen Olubunmi Oguntoye

Page: 1 - 7

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Diversity and conservation of medicinal plants in the Bomaa community of the Brong Ahafo region, Ghana

Patrick Addo-Fordjour*, Ebenezer Jeremiah Durosimi Belford and Dorcas Akonnor, Alexander Kofi Anning

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and anti-plasmodial effects of the methanolic extract of Crossopteryx febrifuga

B. A. Chindo*, O. A. Salawu, A. Y Tijani and B. Adzu

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

In vitro 5-Lipoxygenase inhibition of polyphenolic antioxidants from undomesticated plants of South Africa

Uma Sankar Akula, Bharti Odhav*

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research