International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

Table of Contents in 2017

Research Article

Assessment of hazardous metal load in soils and medicinal plants samples from Suame Magazine, Kumasi

Emmanuel Dartey, Kofi Sarpong

Page: 355 - 362

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antidiabetic activity guided screening and characterization of fagonia indica

Abu Omer, Abdullah Sharif, Majid Malik*, Jamali Anwar Rana and Rahman Iqbal, Lais Fatemi

Page: 346 - 354

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Effect of plant growth regulators on callus multiplication and in vitro plant regeneration in Bacopa monnieri L.

Anita Mehta

Page: 337 - 345

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Antiulcerogenic effect of extracts of Momordica Balsamina Linn against experimentally induced gastric ulceration in rats

SH Mshelia, Y Karumi

Page: 332 - 336

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Effect of secondary and micronutrients on growth, yield parameters and nutrient uptake of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)

Manjunatha Chari K, Raghu MS*, Tuppad GB and Upperi SN

Page: 328 - 331

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Phyto-morphological overview of medicinal plant: Melia Azedarach Linn

Rao DV and Amla Batra, Kaushal Kanwer Shekhawat*

Page: 318 - 327

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Research Article

Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Trigonella Foenum Graecum and the determination of their antimicrobial activity

Jithesh Pooloth

Page: 312 - 317

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research