International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

ISSN 2756-3693

Table of Contents in 2015

Short Communication

Analysis on the recurrence rate of pterygium after excision with conjunctival autograft and 5-Fluorouracil

Emeka Linux Ike*, Ubaiangbo Chuks and Micheal I. Oganje

Page: 183 - 185

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Analysis of selected Enterobacteriaceae for extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) production and virulence factors associated with fruit samples

Okome R. A*, Abdulahi M. Ali and Ahmadu E. Mohammed

Page: 178 - 182

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Nature of food/egg laying material on post-harvest conservation for cereals in Côte d’Ivoire

Octavio Siqueiros*, Fernando Paz and Benito Díaz, Julio César Montalbán

Page: 169 - 177

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Photosynthetic ability and growth characteristics of Leymus chinensis and Leymus secalinus in sandy and saline-alkaline soil on the Songnen Plains of China

Ming-Na Ziyi, Tsung-Dao Pei and LinYat-sen, Deng Zedong*

Page: 162 - 168

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Preliminary evaluation of the haematological effects of Picralima nitida saponin extracts on Rattus novergicus

Uzuor K. Oluchi, Odimeghwu Eze and Ibiewuchi Sunny

Page: 157 - 161

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Kinetic parameters of human P450 isoforms involved in the metabolism of the antiallergic drug, loratadine

Pancho Cuarón, Rubio Diego and Huerta de la Cruz

Page: 148 - 156

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Feeding ability of Hippodamia variegata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Aphis fabae (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

Merzak Alloula Nahnah

Page: 143 - 147

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Effects of food type on adult performance of black blister beetle Meloe proscarabaeus (Coleoptera: Meloidae)

Dodi Fakhr Elwi*, Tamer Rizk Zaki, Ayman Waked, Mohamed Atta Hosny

Page: 130 - 142

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health


Unhealthy environmental controversy involving exotic and native land snails in Brazil

Ayrton Lima Baccarin

Page: 126 - 129

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health