International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

ISSN 2756-3693

Table of Contents in 2013

Research Article

Genetic diversity in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] varieties determined by ARA and RAPD techniques

Mame Arama Fall-Ndiaye, Laïty Fall, Diaga Diouf, François Abaye Badiane and Mamadou Gueye

Page: 112 - 113

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Effect of cold temperature storage on the quality attributes of pawpaw and guava leathers

Babalola A. O. and Aina J. O., Ashaye O. A., Babalola S. O.

Page: 81 - 82

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Diversity of indigeneous bradyrhizobia associated with three cowpea cultivars ( Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) grown under limited and favorable water conditions in Senegal (West Africa)

Ibrahima Ndoye, Philippe de Lajudie and Marc Neyra, Tatiana Krasova-Wade, Serge Braconnier, Benoit Sarr

Page: 103 - 111

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Actinorhizal, mycorhizal and rhizobial symbioses: how much do we know?

Tahir A. Diop and Ibrahima Ndoye, Diaga Diouf

Page: 114 - 119

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Immobilization of the Candida rugosa lipase onto a Scirpus grossus L.f. fiber as biocatalyst for biodiesel synthesis via hydrolysis-esterification

Pichaya Kensingh and Warawut Chulalaksananukul, Sireerat Charuchinda

Page: 61 - 68

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Impact of a blood-sucking parasite on the chemical composition of fatty acids in the white muscle of garfish (Belone belone, Belonidae) from Tunisian coasts (Central Mediterranean)

Rafika Fehri-Bedoui, Hassen Mejri and M’hamed El Cafsi, Mohamed Ali Ben Smida

Page: 69 - 72

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Estimates of biological nitrogen fixation by Pterocarpus lucens in a semi arid natural forest park in Senegal using 15N natural abundance method

Sylla S N, Ndoye I, Ba A T and Dreyfus B, Gueye M

Page: 89 - 94

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Novel antibacterial activity of Terfizia claveryi aqueous extract against clinical isolates of corneal ulcer

Yousef H. Aldebasi, Salah M. Aly, Manzoor A. Qureshi and Habeeb Khadri

Page: 73 - 78

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Biological nitrogen fixation in Crotalaria species estimated using the 15N isotope dilution method

R.T. Samba, M. Gueye, S.N. Sylla, B. Dreyfus and I. Ndoye, M. Neyra

Page: 98 - 102

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Bio-deterioration of breadfruit (Artocarpus Communis) in storage and its effects on the nutrient composition

Amusa , N.A , I. A. and Ashaye, O. A, Kehinde

Page: 86 - 88

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Short Communication

Characterization of potential ethylene-producing rhizosphere bacteria of Striga -infested maize and sorghum

Olubukola O. Babalola, Elie O. Osir and Abiodun I. Sanni

Page: 79 - 80

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Aphanomyces frigidophilus, fungus-like organisms isolated from water of springs in Białystok, Poland

Bożena Kiziewicz, Javier Diéguez-Uribeondo and Maria P. Martín

Page: 47 - 50

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Effect of salt and drought stress on acid phosphatase activities in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) explants under in vitro culture

A. A. Ehsanpour, F. Amini

Page: 120 - 121

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Activity guided isolation and characterization of antioxidant and antibacterial agents from some local Nigerian plants

Suaib Luqman, Sanusi Wara Hassan, Santosh Kumar Srivastava, Surjeet Verma, Usha Gupta and Nusrat Masood

Page: 51 - 60

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

An alternative safer and cost effective surface sterilization method for sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) explants

Tilahun Mekonnen, Mulugeta Diro and Manju Sharma

Page: 29 - 32

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Evaluation of rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) as rootstock for salinity tolerance at seedling stage under in vitro conditions

Sukhwinder Kaur Bali and Choudhary OP, Sharma LK, Manisha Kaushal

Page: 13 - 20

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Influence of plant growth regulators on indirect shoot organogenesis and secondary metabolite production in Aconitum violaceum Jacq.

Janhvi Mishra Rawat, Anup Chandra and Subhash Nautiyal, Balwant Rawat

Page: 33 - 38

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

The reproducibility of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles of Streptococcus thermophilus strains with XD9, M13 and OPI-02 MOD primers

Fatima Ghazi, Zineb Benmechernene, Mebrouk Kihal and G. Candan Gurakan

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Genetic structure of populations of Mugil cephalus using RAPD markers

M. Sankar and A. Kathirvelpandian, V.K.Tiwari , M. Sekar, E. Suresh

Page: 9 - 12

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health

Research Article

Genetic diversity in Cucurbita pepo landraces from northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, revealed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers

Pangirayi B. Tongoona and Nokuthula W. Kunene, Alpheus M. Zobolo, Nontuthuko R. Ntuli

Page: 21 - 28

International Journal of Food Safety and Public Health